Фотографии, представленные в 2019 году в номинации на престижную премию Bird Photographer Of The Year Awards (BPOTY), поражают воображение! Это удивительные, забавные, глубокие, впечатляющие и просто потрясающие фотографии птиц не могут не привлечь внимание каждого, кто любит природу и всё, что с ней связано. Ниже представлены лишь некоторые фотографии финалистов, отобранные среди тысяч фотографов со всего мира. Эти красивые и вдохновляющие снимки хочется пересматривать снова и снова!
Great White Pelican — Pelecanus onocrotalus: Food Chain Photo: Pedro Jarque Krebs/Bird Photographer of the Year
Black-naped Tern — Sterna sumatrana: Singapore Photo: Daryl Yeo
American Oystercatcher — Haematopus palliatus: Long Island, USA Photo: James Wilcox
Yellow-billed Oxpecker — Buphagus africanus: Kilimanjaro National Park Photo: Bence Mate
Eurasian Hoopoe — Upupa epops: Spring Time Photo: Mario Cea
Bald Eagle — Haliaeetus leucocephalus Photo: Shane Kalyn
Barn Swallow — Hirundo rustica Photo: Mario Cea
Rufous Hummingbird — Selasphorus rufus Photo: Shane Kalyn
Common Kingfisher — Alcedo atthis: Pure Reflex Photo: Mario Cea
Peregrine Falcon — Falco peregrinus Photo: Ly Dang
Snowy Owl — Bubo scandiacus: Posing — Ontario, Canada Photo: Tibor Kercz
Dalmatian Pelican Pelecanus crispus. Lake Kerkini, Greece. Photographer: Caron Steele, United Kingdom
Black Skimmer Rynchops niger. Ocean City, New Jersey, United States of America. Photographer: Nikunj Patel, United States of America
Common Kingfisher Alcedo atthis. Hertfordshire, United Kingdom. Photographer: Ben Andrew, United Kingdom
Grey Heron Ardea cinerea. Kanjiza, Serbia. Photographer: Jozsef Gergely, Serbia
Great Dusky Swift Cypseloides senex. Iguasu Falls, Misiones Province, Argentina. Photographer: Helen Moore, United Kingdom
Reeves’s Pheasant Syrmaticus reevesii. Xinyang City, Henan Province, China. Photographer: Hu Yi, China
Common Guillemot Uria aalge. Hornøya, Finnmark, Norway. Photographer: Audun Lie Dahl, Norway
Common Buzzard Buteo buteo. Saxony-Anhalt, Germany. Photographer: Thomas Hinsche, Germany
Common Goldeneye Bucephala clangula. Saxony-Anhalt, Germany. Photographer: Thomas Hinsche, Germany
Common Eider Somateria mollissima. Helgoland, Germany. Photographer: Thomas Hinsche, Germany
Rufous Hummingbird Selasphorus rufus. Colorado, United States of America. Photographer: Madeline Nolan, United States of America
Little Owl Athene noctua. Israel. Photographer: Ariel Fields, Israel
Little Swift Apus affinis. Rajkot, Gujarat, India. Photographer: Yashodhan Bhatia, India
Rufous-tailed Hummingbird Amazilia tzacatl. Costa Rica. Photographer: Cat Edwardes, United Kingdom
Rufous-tailed Hummingbird Amazilia tzacatl. Costa Rica. Photographer: Cat Edwardes, United Kingdom
Rufous-tailed Hummingbird Amazilia tzacatl. Costa Rica. Photographer: Cat Edwardes, United Kingdom
Rufous-tailed Hummingbird Amazilia tzacatl. Costa Rica. Photographer: Cat Edwardes, United Kingdom
Rufous-tailed Hummingbird Amazilia tzacatl. Costa Rica. Photographer: Cat Edwardes, United Kingdom
Rufous-tailed Hummingbird Amazilia tzacatl. Costa Rica. Photographer: Cat Edwardes, United Kingdom
Rufous-tailed Hummingbird Amazilia tzacatl. Costa Rica. Photographer: Cat Edwardes, United Kingdom
Rufous-tailed Hummingbird Amazilia tzacatl. Costa Rica. Photographer: Cat Edwardes, United Kingdom